Courtney Manser | MDconsultants
Courtney Manser

Courtney Manser MD, CFPC

Family Medicine

Dr. Courtney Manser is a Palliative Care specialist in the Niagara Region. She is also a medical writer and has written for several health magazines, both online and in print, including SheKnows, Parents Canada and Todays Parent. She is an educator of medical students, residents, allied health professionals and the general public and is passionate about sharing knowledge in an easy to understand, non-intimidating manner both in person and in print. She also has experience with quality improvement, having successfully completely one of her own practice. Along with her partner, she helped develop an expansive community palliative program in the Niagara Region and would love to offer her knowledge in healthcare start-up.

Areas of Expertise

  • Education
  • Healthcare start-up consulting
  • Human centered design in healthcare
  • Medical writing
  • Quality Improvement in healthcare


  • CFPC, Family Medicine, Western University (Palliative Designation (PC) obtained at a later date)
  • MD, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
  • BSc, McGill University (BSc not completed due to early acceptance into medical school)

  • She has developed an expansive community palliative program in the Niagara Region, along with her partner. This program brought palliative home services to a large geographical area that previously was without.

  • She has experience with teaching medical students, residents, allied health professionals including nurses, nurse practitioners, as well as the general public. She will be a tutor in the pre-clerkship Problem Based Learning at McMaster Medical School in 2023.
