Physician Recruitment | MDconsultants

Health Services Delivery


Physician recruitment for a new virtual care platform in Toronto


Many virtual care platforms were established in 2020 to address barriers to in-person care during the COVID-19 pandemic. A limitation of many platforms was their lack of depth in providing speciality care. Many existing services were set up to only deliver primary care and were staffed with only Family Physicians. A new virtual care start-up in Toronto sought to position itself as a multi-specialty virtual care clinic and engaged MDconsultants to assist specifically with developing a robust roster of physician providers in multiple medical and surgical specialties.


Recruitment and retention of physicians who were proponents of virtual care in multiple medical and surgical specialties was by far the most difficult aspect of getting this company’s platform off the ground. While the technology worked, convincing clinicians to dedicate valuable clinical time to a new platform during its growth phase with traditional financial incentives proved difficult for the platform’s founders.

Value delivered


  • Surveyed Family Physicians in the immediate community to determine which specialities were in highest demand.
  • Recommended that the platform initially focus on providing care in select specialties with the most demand.
  • Recruited specialists interested in working with the startup’s virtual care platform.
  • Developed a longitudinal roster of specialists who could provide weekly virtual clinic coverage for the platform.
  • Partnered with the platform on a longitudinal basis to expand the scope of specialties it could offer to patients over time.
