Test 1 Disclaimer | MDconsultants

Test 1 Disclaimer


Please read the following information and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Start Test” to begin the CASPer® Test.

Browser Compatibility

We highly recommend that you use the most up to date version of Chrome as your browser before proceeding any further for best results. If you do not have Chrome installed, close this window now, download Chrome, and restart your CASPer® SIM practice test from your member’s area using Chrome.


The CASPer® test is delivered by Altus Assessments Inc. at takecasper.com. CASPer® is a registered trademark of Altus. MD Consultants is an independent educational consulting firm and is not, in any shape or form, affiliated with nor endorse the official CASPer® provider nor any universities and colleges that administer the CASPer®. Although MD Consultants (using publicly available literature and information) has done its very best to recreate a simulation that is as similar to the actual CASper® as possible, it does not claim to have any inside information about the actual CASPer® questions that will be administered. MD Consultants cannot guarantee that the actual CASPer® test will be comprised of the same questions presented in this simulated test by MD Consultants.


The MD Consultants CASPer® test material produced here is the property of MD Consultants and any copying, reproduction and/or redistribution of the test material, without the express written consent of MD Consultants, is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action.


CASPer® Test is a trademark of MD Consultants and any unauthorized use of trademarks without MD Consultants express written consent is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action.

By pressing the start button below, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree with the terms and conditions outlined above by MD Consultants.
