Setting up a Medical Practice Part 1: Types of Practice
Many of you are probably thinking about setting up your own practice, whether it is group practice, Associations and Partnerships, solo or private practice, hospital-based employment, or locums. We are outlining the various types of practices in today’s blog.
Group Practice
- Two or more physicians with the same or different specialties providing medical care in the same facility.
- Opportunity for collaboration, cross coverage and referring patients when needed.
- Work and staff resources are shared, including running and administering the practice.
- Legal agreement that specifies how expenses will be shared amongst the staff.
- Expenses range from sharing the cost of rent and waiting room to sharing all the costs associated with running a practice (such as staff, equipment, medical supplies, and office resources).
- Associates do not share income and are not professionally or legally liable to each other.
- Physicians manage their own clinical schedules
- Share expenses as you do in an association, however income, personal and medical liability are also shared.
Solo or Private Practice
- One physician working on their own, without any partners.
- Usually the patient roster is smaller with relatively fewer staff.
- Typically in suburban or rural areas.
Hospital-Based Employment
- Can count on a stable income and work schedule. This was proven to be important during the pandemic when various smaller practices were forced to shut down.
- Has a regular patient base coupled with a strong referral network and more resources
- The administrative side of running a practice is carried by the hospital which allows a physician to focus on practicing medicine..
- Less liable for legal complications.
- Hospitals, however, may lack the freedom and autonomy compared to other types of practices as they must meet specific hospital standards.
- Physicians relocating for temporary employment to areas or facilities in great healthcare needs.
- May offer higher pay than permanent positions.
- Schedules are flexible and you may choose where and when you’d like to work.
- Work is, however, temporary and may not be steady.
- Common for early career physicians who are in their first 5 years of practice, or those who are near retirement.