Grant Writing for Early Career Physicians

Grant writing is a skill that can be improved with training and endurance building. It is an important exercise commonly practiced among academic physicians which help establish and maintain their credibility and status. Aside from attaining accomplishments and promotion, funding provides the opportunity and autonomy to practice independence in developing and validating ones’ ideas.

         Here are some tips in achieving success in grant writing:

  1.     Find a mentor

Needless to say, the first step is to find a mentor, such as a trusted senior colleague, who is willing to guide you through the process. Quite often, your academic interests align and you intend to build on each other’s research work through collaboration. The mentors may evolve over time as your career and research interests evolve.

  1.     Choose the grants based on your goals

One may apply to as many grants as possible to improve their chances of success, but you do need to tailor your application based on your goals. Take the time to study each organization’s or grant’s history and mission in order to customize your applications. Read their instructions carefully, and focus on those grants where you have the best chances. The better your goals align with that of the organization, the more likely your application is approved

  1.     Pace yourself

Grant writing is not a sprint, but a marathon. You should start early to allow plenty of time for background research and revisions. You would want to make sure that your research proposal isn’t being carried out or published already elsewhere. It is a good idea to complete your draft a few weeks to a month prior to the deadline. At the same time, do not forget to take a break when you hit a mental block. It allows you to re-evaluate the proposal with a fresh mind.

  1.     Be specific and effective with your writing

You should adopt direct and concise writing to most effectively convey your ideas. Effective communication ensures the grant committee captures the objectives of your proposal. You may share the proposal within your academic circle of trust for valuable feedback. Consider reviewing prior work done by your mentors and learn from their language used. Ensure there are no grammar or syntax errors, as that could be interpreted as carelessness as a scientist. 

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