Blog | MDconsultants - Page 2


Grant Writing for Early Career Physicians

Grant writing is a skill that can be improved with training and endurance building. It is an important exercise commonly practiced among academic physicians which help establish and maintain their credibility and status. Aside from attaining accomplishments and promotion, funding provides the opportunity and autonomy to practice independence in developing and validating ones’ ideas.          […]

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Physician Recommendations for Improving Collaboration and Efficiency in the Workplace

As you embark on the journey of independent medical practice, it’s vital to lay the groundwork for a positive work environment and effective team collaboration from the outset. This foundational work not only sets the tone for your first year but also fortifies the long-term success of your practice. Here’s an expanded guide on fostering […]

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3 Key Questions Doctors Need to Address Before Medical Relocation

Healthcare professionals often face the possibility of relocating during their careers for various reasons, from wanting to live in a new place to personal commitments. The process can be incredibly taxing, even more so than some major life events like marriage or childbirth. If you’re considering a medical relocation, here are three pivotal questions to […]

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Combating Burnout: An 8-Step Guide for Medical Professionals

Addressing systemic change is a prolonged journey, but doctors can immediately adopt specific techniques to stave off burnout. Here’s a detailed summary of the suggested strategies: Guard Personal Time Vigilantly: Every physician should make it a priority to protect their personal hours. This is essential for rejuvenation and to function at their best. With the […]

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Physicians Advice and Top Tips for New Grads Part 2

Make sure to catch up on Part 1 before dividing into Part 2: Productivity Tips from Experienced Physicians Veteran doctors from specialties like General Practice, Psychiatry, and Internal Medicine shared productivity insights. These have been listed below, although the specifics were not provided in the text. Guidelines for Budding Medical Practitioners The guidance provided here […]

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Physicians Advice and Top Tips for New Grads Part 1

Transitioning from residency to independent practice presents various challenges, from handling increased paperwork and patient volume to managing heightened responsibilities. New doctors with 1-5 years of experience shed light on these challenges: Biggest Challenges for New Doctors: Managing time both in and out of the clinic is paramount, especially with the constraints of short appointment […]

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Employment Contract Review for Physicians

Receiving your first offer as a physician after years of schooling and training will probably be one of the most exciting moments in your career! As a fully trained physician, you now have the opportunity to choose your next work environment and position – and with that comes bargaining power.  In today’s blog, we’re guiding […]

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Medical Liability for Physicians

Medical Liability Protection for Physicians

Malpractice suits are an inevitable component of the healthcare system. As a physician, there may come a time in your career in which you are exposed to a malpractice suit. It is critical to protect yourself from medical liabilities by being aware of the process and how to handle it: Make sure you have Malpractice […]

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Women on iPad Banner: 5 social media tips for physicians

5 Social Media Tips for Physicians

As a physician, have you ever thought to utilize social media as a means to accelerate your career? Social media is a great tool for educating the population, collaborating with colleagues, and advocating for topics you are passionate about.  Here is a list of how to create your online presence as a physician as well […]

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Guidelines for Foreign Trained Doctors Seeking Practice in Canada: Part 3

Make sure to catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 before diving into the third and final Part! Moving to Canada as a doctor is a complex process that requires time, preparation, and sometimes professional assistance. Here’s a simplified overview: Registration Takes Time and Resources: Achieving licensure to practice medicine in Canada is not an […]

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